Which Session do I choose?
Choosing a session, especially for your first time, can be both exciting and overwhelming! Which option might be best for you? The truth is, there is some crossover in the topics that are covered between Astro-Numerology sessions and Intuitive Readings. If you’re really not sure, you can always email me at akriech@dogstaroracle.com and I’ll gladly help you narrow it down. Otherwise, if it’s a toss-up, just go with whatever resonates for you most! Here is some help narrowing it down:
Astro-Numerology Readings are good for:
Understanding your gifts, talents, and potential
Your Soul’s Path
Navigating your challenges and pitfalls
Understanding energetic trends, turning points in your life, and gaining insight into the upcoming “energetic” weather with specific time-frames
Understanding why you (and the people in your life) are the way are
Intuitive Reading might be best if …
You are wanting more information on your Higher Self, Spirit Guides, or The Universe
You are wanting information about your career, relationships, or general path in life.
You are wanting to connect with your passed over loved ones
You are wanting to communicate with your furry friends, living or passed over
You are wanting information on past lives or Soul Contracts
Is there a difference in the quality of the reading between Zoom, Phone, or In-Person?
Absolutely not. There are pros and cons to each, but generally speaking, Spirit comes through no matter what technology we use, and I can read a Numerology/Astrology chart just as well on the phone as I can in person.
Do you guarantee 100% accuracy on all your services?
No, I do not. No psychic or intuitive is ever going to be 100% accurate. Those that make such claims are (in my opinion) completely full of it! We are human beings, and human beings make mistakes or misinterpret things from Spirit sometimes.
Do I need to prepare questions before my session?
Yes. I can certainly just share what I am picking up from your energy or what my Guides are telling me, but in order to get the most out of your reading, I *absolutely* recommend writing down your questions, topics, or life areas that you desire insight on before the session.
How should I prepare? What should I expect?
Please spend a few minutes sometime beforehand preparing some general questions or topics of interest to you. When we connect over Phone or Zoom, please be in a generally quiet environment. Loud noises and lots of distractions makes it hard for me to concentrate, as intuitive readings require me to be in a semi-meditative state.
I begin every reading the same - I spend a moment getting quiet, saying a prayer out loud and an intention, and then I’ll do a Rose Reading first. I see your energy as a Rose or other psychic symbol in my mind’s eye, and I spend a few minutes describing your energy as it appears to me and whatever other messages come through initially. Once this reading is done, you can ask your questions!
What kinds of things can I ask about?
Absolutely anything that directly relates to you and your life. It is generally perfectly fine to ask questions relating to loved ones or other people, as long as they’re connected to you in some way. It’s all about your intent.
However, I do not answer questions that violate the privacy of another person or breach my code of ethics. Additionally, getting psychic information about another person that violates good ethics tend to be less accurate, anyway!
Do you connect to passed over loved ones? Do I need to book a separate session for that?
Yes, I connect to passed over loved ones. Sometimes they come through on their own, but most of the time, you need to ask them to come through. (at least, that’s the way it works in my sessions!)
However, it is not 100% guaranteed that I am able to connect with the loved one that you are desiring to connect with. Most of the time they come through, but sometimes they don’t. I have no idea why that happens occasionally. In those moments I just have to trust that it wasn’t the right moment for that connection to occur.
What length of time should I book for my session?
I recommend booking 30 minutes if you have only 2-3 questions, 45 minutes if you have 3-4, and 60 minutes if you have questions but also want to talk to passed over loved ones.
It takes several minutes to connect with loved ones in a session, so if you are anticipating wanting mediumship and psychic questions to ask, you are best served booking a 60 minute session.