Are you wanting a reading but not quite sure if you want to commit to a live session with me? Try one of my mini-readings, delivered straight to your inbox!

Mapping Your Stars Astrology Forecast Email Reading

30 or 90 Day Forecast

This is a recorded video reading that is sent to your email.

This reading outlines important transits and various Astrological cycles at play in your life right now, along with identifying future cycles that are around the corner, including FULL MOONS and NEW MOONS over the next 3 months (or 30 days, should you choose that option) and how you may experience that energy according to your Astrological birth chart.

This reading will focus on the next 30/90 days or so of your personalized Astrology, and will also include a PDF that will outline the New and Full Moons I discuss in the video.

For best results, this reading does require accurate birth information. I will need birthdate, location (city/state or country), and birth time. If birth time is an estimation, please let me know.

Cost is $37 for the 30-day option and $65 for the 90-day option. Turnaround times depend on when order is placed, but all orders are completed within 5-7 business days.


Messages From Spirit

Email Mini-Reading

Are you wanting a psychic check-in? Perhaps you want a little insight from the Universe but don’t feel ready to commit to a 1:1 session?

This offering might be for you - this is an audio recording that is sent straight to your inbox.

This is a psychic/channeled reading. Meaning, I connect right to my Spirit Team + Akashic Records (the record of your Soul) to deliver guidance straight from Source. I do not use Tarot or any other external tools in this reading.

✨ Information on your Soul's gifts and core energy

✨ Reading on your energy at this present time and the current growth cycle you're in

✨ What your spirit is currently creating or manifesting

✨ The likely energy coming up around the corner and how to work with it

✨ An introduction to a member of your Spirit Team that is guiding you at this time.

Occasionally I will receive information on various topics, such as past lives or anything else I may pick up on. If I receive this information, I will share it with you in your reading.

Turnaround time is within 5-7 business days.

Energy exchange: $47

IMPORTANT - please include the first and last name you want me to address you by, as well as your birthdate (month/date/year) - this helps me hone in your energy and expedites your reading. Not providing this info right can delay your order.

(Questions? Email me at