Which Session do I choose?

Choosing a session, especially for your first time, can be both exciting and overwhelming! Which option might be best for you?

The truth is, there is some crossover in the topics that are covered between Astro-Numerology sessions and Intuitive Readings. If you’re really not sure, you can always email me at akriech@dogstaroracle.com and I’ll gladly help you narrow it down. Otherwise, if it’s a toss-up, just go with whatever resonates for you most! Here is some help narrowing it down:

Astro-Numerology Readings are good for:

  • Understanding your gifts, talents, and potential

  • Your Soul’s Path 

  • Navigating your challenges and pitfalls

  • Understanding energetic trends, turning points in your life, and gaining insight into the upcoming “energetic” weather with specific time-frames

  • Understanding why you (and the people in your life) are the way are

Intuitive Reading might be best if … 

  • You are wanting more information on your Higher Self, Spirit Guides, or The Universe 

  • You are wanting information about your career, relationships, or general path in life. 

  • You are wanting to connect with your passed over loved ones

  • You are wanting to communicate with your furry friends, living or passed over

  • You are wanting information on past lives or Soul Contracts


Is there a difference in the quality of the reading between Zoom, Phone, or In-Person?