Are you desiring a more conscious relationship with your Spirit Guides?

All it requires is an open mind and pure intent.


Spirit Guides are an omnipresent guiding force in your life


No matter how blocked or not psychic you think you are, everyone is able to develop a relationship with their Guides, a crucial component of your overall intuitive guidance system.


Your Guides are as varied and complex as is everything in life, and their jobs are different depending on the task at hand. You have Guides that help you with your life purpose and path, and you might even have Guides who’s job is as specific as helping your rear your children and manage all your responsibilities in life.

 From the moment you’re born, you always have a Spirit Guide present with you.

The world of Spirit may be vast, but you always have at least one Spirit Guide present with you from the moment you’re born to the time you leave this planet.

  • Release resistance and prepare to meet your Guides via a healing meditation

  • Learn about Spirit Guides and how they work with you

  • Learn my no-nonsense tips and tricks for working with your Guides in your everyday life

  • Meet Your Spirit Guides in a Guided Meditation

You will also receive a guided meditation mp3 after class, so you can work on deepening your relationship with your Guides, anytime, anywhere.

 Monday, November 21st, 2022

6:30 PM MST


Energy Exchange: $33

Class is via Zoom, class is recorded for you if you can’t make it live.