Find Your North Star

Alexander Kriech: Astrologer and Intuitive
Helping Seekers Gain Clarity, Insight, and Healing, on Their Purpose and Path
As you took your first breath, the exact positioning of the planets, their Signs, and the aspects they make with one another shed’s light on your Soul’s gifts, destiny, life’s purpose, and lessons. Your Soul chose the exact moment and circumstances when it was to be born, and the sky at that moment is a guide to uncovering the nuances of your Soul in this lifetime.
As a professionally trained Astrologer, I am able to describe each element of your birth chart in great depth and detail, extracting detailed information about your Soul’s journey this lifetime. I am also able to provide precise time-frames and turning points on your path, guiding you in all areas, such as career, relationships, money, and life’s purpose.
During an Intuitive Reading, I connect to Divine Source energy and receive intuitive information on your behalf, so you can gain clarity, information, and healing on your path, challenges, and relationships. I receive this information visually in my mind’s eye in the form of pictures or symbols, auditory information, and clear knowing. I connect with Spirit Guides, Angels, and Teachers, as well as departed Loved Ones on the other side to bring through accurate, clear information, and probable timelines of future events. I am able to scan your physical body, Chakra system, and Aura to identify energetic imbalances, as well.

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I've always been interested in the paranormal, spiritual, and metaphysical. Ever since I was a little kid I’ve enjoyed figuring things out, asking unusual questions on the nature of reality and “why stuff happens.” Whether it was the afterlife, UFOs, angels, ghosts, or why the dryer mysteriously eats socks, I was on the case!
Helping others to find their own North Star - whether it’s helping them discover and re-align to their Soul’s gifts, purpose, or helping to decode likely future outcomes and turning points, is one of my greatest passions in this life.

Alex has a down to earth way of sharing information, whether it’s a Numerology reading or a Reiki energetic healing session. When he was located in Sioux Falls, South Dakota I received in person monthly Reiki from him. I always found my sessions to be healing and insightful. If you haven’t connected with Alex yet, I would recommend you give him a try. You may just glean that insight you’ve been searching for and be the better for it!
Heidi Namken
Reiki Healer & Energy Counselor